
(Lapsana communis L.) Fam:. Asteraceae

Danmark Haremad, Estland Harilik linnukapsas, Finland Linnunkaali, HollandAkkerkool, Island Herafifill, Lettland Parasta salatene, Litauien Paprastoji gaiva, Norge Haremat, Polen Łoczyga pospolita, Ryssland Бородавник обыкновенный, Tyskland Rainkohl, Storbrittanien Harkål

Cotyledons 4-10 mm long and 2-5 mm broad, long-petioled, oval-elliptic with pointed apices. True leaves 5-25 mm, ovate, the lower long-petiolate, the upper more or less sessile, pale green, sparesly hairy above or hairless both sides. Petiole (leaf stalk) ciliate, flattened. Stems 20-50 cm, round, more or less erect to staggling, with 1(2) lines of hairs. Flowers smal and white, in cymes, on long pubescent pedicels. Reproduces by seed and creeping stems rooting at the nodes. Site: occurs as weed in all kinds of arable crops and in vegetable gardens, flowerbeds and new lawns. In humid areas it may also become a troublesome weed in meadows and pastures. Winter annual.

Control/species (click):

Falsk såbädd/fördröjd sådd/senarelagd sådd.


Jordbearbetning som t.ex. Stubbearbetning, plöjning och radhackning.

Kemisk bekämpning – herbicider

