Sticky Groundsel

(Senecio viscosus L.) Fam:. Asteraceae

Danmark Klaebrig Brandbaeger, Estland Pihkane ristirohi, Finland Tahmavillakko, HollandKleverig kruiskruid, Lettland Lipiga krustaine, Litauien Lipnioji žile, Norge Klistersvineblom, Polen Starzec lepki, Ryssland Крестовник клейкий, Tyskland Klebriges Kreuzkraut, Storbrittanien Klibbkorsört

Cotyledons short-petioled, (oval) – lanceolate, hairless, 6 – 8 mm long and 2 – 3 mm broad. True leaves shortly petiolate, strongly fetid, viscid glandular-hairy, deeply pinnatifid with more or less toothed or lobed lobes with slightly recurved margins. Flower heads 6 – 10 mm in diameter, on long peduncles, forming a loose, terminal corymb. All florets yellow. Reproduces only by seeds. Stems erect, 20-60 cm, more or less wavy, often with many spreading branches, densely viscid-hairy. Sites waste ground, roadsides, railway banks and ruderals, especially on dry sandy, gravelly soils. Sommer annual.