
(Bunias orientalis L.) Fam:. Brassicaceae

Danmark Takkeklap, Estland Harilik tõlkjas, Finland Ukonpalko, HollandBunias, Island Rússakál, Lettland Austrumu dižperkone, Litauien Rytine engra, Norge Russekål, Polen Rukiewnik wschodni, Ryssland Свербига восточная, Tyskland Orientalsches Zackenschötchen, Storbrittanien Ryssgubbe

Cotyledons large and coarse, 15 – 35 mm long and 8 – 10 mm broad, long oval – tongue shaped, poorly petioled, hairless. True leaves at the base in a rosette ovate orbicular, tapering into short stalk or fully sessile. Later leaves distinctly toothed to pinnatifid, scattered hairs only on margin and leaf veins. Stems  erect, 50 – 120 cm, rigid, strigose and rough, with glandular hairs. Flowers yellow and numerous in dense racemes inflorescence terminating stem and branches. Reproduces mostly by seeds, but detached pieces of the upper part ot the stout tap root can regenerate from adventitious buds.The root can penetrate to depths of 1,5 m or more. Site all kinds of soils (nutrient-rich). Yards, leys, meadows, pastures, headlands, roadsides etc. and ruderals. Perennial or (biennial). Strong cress odour.