Marsh Thistle

(Cirsium palustre (L.) Scop.) Fam:. Asteraceae

Danmark Kaer-Tidsel, Estland Soo-ohakas, Finland Suo-ohdake, HollandKale jonker, Island Mýraþistill, Lettland Purva dadzis, Litauien Pelkine usnis, Norge Myrtistel, Polen Ostrożeń błotny, Ryssland Бодяк болотный, Tyskland Sumpf-Kratzdistel, Storbrittanien Kärrtistel

Cotyledons 6 – 10 mm long and 3 – 5 mm broad, oval – inversely egg-shaped, somewhat fleshy, without stalk or short-petioled, hairless. True leaves 10 – 50 cm, narrow, decurrent, lanceolate, pinnately lobed, margins turning purplish and leaves often more or less shiny green and hirsute above, paler and pubescent below. Spines along leaf margin 3 – 5 mm. Stems up to 200 cm, erect, stiff, scarcely branched, continuous spiny wings. Flower heads numerous (1,5 – 2,5 cm in diameter), in corymbose clusters, purpel-red. All florets tubular. Reproduces only by seeds. Sites meadows and pastures, prefers wet, humus-rich soils. Biennial.