Scented Mayweed

(Matricaria recutita L.) Fam:. Asteraceae

Danmark Vellugtende Kamille, Estland Teekummel, Finland Kamomillasaunio, HollandEchte kamille, Island Kryddbaldursbrá, Lettland Arstniecibas kumelite, Litauien Vaistine ramune, Norge Kamilleblom, Polen Rumianek pospolity, Ryssland Ромашка аптечная, Tyskland Echte Kamille, Storbrittanien Kamomill

Cotyledons 3 – 5 mm long and 1 – 2 mm broad, club-shaped – elliptic, without leaf stalk, hairless. First true leaves lanceolate with only 1 or 2 narrow lateral lobes,  then bi- or tripinnate with pointed tips, slightly yellowish-green, hairless. Stems spreading branched, erect, 15 – 50 cm, much branched. Flower heads about 2 cm in diameter, numerous, terminal. Receptacle conical, about 6 mm high, hollow. Droop nocturnally and after pollination. Ray florets white, disc florets yellow (bisexual). Reproduces only by seeds. Site in most arable crops (spec. cereals), gardens, headlands, roadsides etc. and ruderals, nitrogenous soils. Summer and winter annual with characteristic aromatic scent when flower heads are crushed.