Large-flowered Hemp-nettle

(Galeopsis speciosa Mill.) Fam:. Lamiaceae

Danmark Hamp-Hanekro, Estland Kirju kõrvik, Finland Kirjopillike, HollandDauwnetel, Island Gullhjálmgras, Lettland Raibais aklis, Litauien Geltonžiede akle, Norge Guldå, Polen Poziewnik pstry, Ryssland Пикульник красивый, пикульник заметный, Tyskland Bunter Hohlzahn, Storbrittanien Hampdån

Cotyledons 7-10 mm long and about 5 mm broad, long-petioled, obovate with two backward-directed lobes. True leaves 25-100 mm, short-petioled, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, narrowing gradually to a point, coarsely saw-toothed, softly hairy. Stems 20-100 cm, 4-angled, sharply bristly, branched, strongly swollen at nodes or below, with yellow-tipped glandular hairs below nodes. Flowers in terminal spikes and dense clusters in the apper leaf axils. Corolla yellow, with a violet blotch on the threelobed lower lip. Reproduces only by seed (fruit with 4 seeds) and germinate generally very quickly in the spring. Site: occurs as weed in all kinds of arable crops and in vegetable gardens, particularly nitrogenous soils (peat soils and humic mineral soils). Summer annual.