
(Artemisia vulgaris L.) Fam:. Asteraceae

Danmark Grå-Bynke, Estland Harilik puju, Finland Pujo, HollandBijvoet, Island Malurt, Lettland Parasta vibotne, Litauien Paprastasis kietis, Norge Burot, Polen Bylica pospolita, Ryssland Полынь обыкновенная, Tyskland Gemeiner Beifuß, Storbrittanien Gråbo

Cotyledons oval, 3¬5 mm long and about 2 mm broad, short-petioled, hairless. True leaves dark green above, white-cottony below, the basal more or less lyrate to pinnately lobed or 3-foliate. Stem leaves without leaf stalk, clasping, 1 or 2-pinnately lobed. Stems erect, 50¬150 cm, branched, grooved, often  brownish, sparsely cottony to hairless. Flower heads ovoid (about 3 mm), numerous, insignificant, in terminal or axiallary racemose panicles. All flowers (only disc-florets) tubular, brownish to reddish yellow. Reproduces mainly by seeds, but also by fragments of the rootstock and basal parts of the stem. Site: arable land, pastures, meadows, older leys and waste places. Perennial with weakly aromatic scent.