Scentless Mayweed

(Tripleurospermum perforatum/inodorum (Mérat) Lainz) Fam:. Asteraceae

Danmark Lugtløs Kamille, Estland Harilik kesalill, Finland Peltosaunio, HollandReukeloze kamille, Island Baldursbrá , Lettland Nesmaržiga sunkumelite, Litauien Bekvapis šunramunis, Norge Baldersbrå, Polen Maruna bezwonna, Ryssland Трёхреберник продырявленный, Tyskland Geruchlose Kamille, Storbrittanien Baldersbrå

Cotyledons 4¬6 mm long and 2¬3 mm broad, oval – inversely egg-shaped, without leaf stalk, hairless. First true leaves very narrow with 1 – 2 lateral lobes, then bi- or tripinnate, with fine, narrow linear, spiny tipped segments, slightly yellowish-green, more or less hairless. Stems ascending to erect, 30 – 70 cm, furrowed, often branched at base, with sparse hairs when young. Flower heads up to 4 cm in diameter, solitary on long stalks, terminal. Receptacle solide, convex. Ray florets white, disc florets yellow (bisexual). Reproduces only by seeds (surface germination). Site in most arable crops (spec. winter cereals/rape, young leys), gardens, headlands, roadsides etc. and ruderals. Winter annual (sometimes biennial).