Corn Chamomile

(Anthemis arvensis L.) Fam:. Asteraceae

Danmark Ager-Gåseurt, Estland Valge karikakar, Finland Peltosauramo, HollandValse kamille, Island Akurgaesajurt, Lettland Lauka ilzite, Litauien Dirvinis bobramunis, Norge Kvit gåseblom, Polen Rumian polny, Ryssland Пупавка полевая, Tyskland Acker Hundskamille, Storbrittanien Åkerkulla

Cotyledons 3¬6 mm long and 2¬3 mm broad, round¬oval, without leaf stalk, hairless. True leaves without leaf stalk, alternate, simply or bipinnate, greyish green., with long weakly adpressed hairs, soon hairless. Stems more or less erect, 15¬50 cm, branched at base, long-hairy to wolly,fine longitudinal lines, grooves or ridges. Flower heads numerous, solitary, terminal. Ray-florets white, disc-florets yellow. Site: in most arable crops (spec. winter cereals, young leys) and gardens. Winter annual and weakly aromatic.