Corn Marigold

(Glebionis segetum (Chrysanthemum segetum) (L.) Fourr.) Fam:. Asteraceae

Danmark Gul Okseøje, Estland Kollane jaanikakar, Finland Keltapäivänkakkara, HollandGele ganzebloem, Island Njardarbra, Lettland Sejuma krizantema, Litauien Dirvine skaistažiede, Norge Gullkrage, Polen Złocień polny, Ryssland Хризантема посевная, Tyskland Saat-wucherblume, Storbrittanien Gullkrage

Cotyledons 4 – 8 mm long and 2 – 5 mm broad, short-petioled, oval to club-shaped, hairless. First true leaves narrow, usually with several lateral lobes or teeth. Older leaves, smooth, inversely ovoid (egg-shaped), pinnate lobed to irregularly toothed with teeth facing outward. Upper leaves toothed only. Hairless expect for sparse short hairs on midrib both sides. Bluish-white. Stems 30 – 60 cm, erect, striate, usually branched and hairless. Flower heads 2 – 5 cm broad, individually stalked. Ray- and discflorets deep golden yellow. Reproduces only by seeds. Sites arable land epecially spring cereals, ruderals, particularly on fairly acid, sandy soils and loams rich in nutrients but lime-free. Summer annual.