
(Senecio vulgaris L.) Fam:. Asteraceae

Danmark Almindelig Brandbaeger, Estland Harilik ristirohi, Finland Peltovillakko, HollandKlein kruiskruid, Island Krossfífill , Lettland Parasta krustaine, Litauien Paprastoji žile, Norge Åkersvineblom, Polen Starzec zwyczajny, Ryssland Крестовник обыкновенный, Tyskland Gewöhnliches Kreuzkraut, Storbrittanien Vanlig korsört

Cotyledons short-petioled, elliptic – lanceolate, hairless, 6 – 8 mm long and 1 – 3 mm broad. True leaves lobed, narrowed to indistinct petiole, more or less fleshy, cottony to more or less hairless, pinnatifid with distant, oblong or ovate, irregulary toothed or jagged lobes. Flower heads about 4 mm in diameter, in close terminal corymbs. Flowers golden yellow, usually all tubular. Reproduces only by seeds. Stems ascending or erect, 10 – 30 cm, weak and rather succulent, irregularly branched, hairless or a little loose, cottony down. Sites gardens, nurseries, arable crops (especially among horticultural crops), roadsides and ruderals. Prefers nutrient-rich sandy loams and sandy soils. Summer annual.