
(Barbarea vulgaris R. Br.) Fam:. Brassicaceae

Danmark Almindelig Vinterkarse, Estland Läänekollakas, Finland Peltokanankaali, HollandGewoon barbarakruid, Island Garðableikja, Lettland Parasta zverene, Litauien Paprastoji barboryte, Norge Vinterkarse, Polen Gorczycznik pospolity, Ryssland Сурепка обыкновенная, Tyskland Echtes Barbarakraut, Storbrittanien Sommargyllen


Cotyledons 5–6 mm long and 3 mm broad, oval–nearly round, petioled, hairless. First true leaves circular–kidney-/heart-shaped, then lyrate with a rounded, often cordate, terminal lobe and 2–5 pairs of oblong lateral lobes. Upper leaves, sheathing at base, shorter, obovate with 0–5 lobes. All leaves glabrous and fairly thick and deep green. Stems  erect, 30–80 cm, usually branched from ground-level upwards, stiff, stout, furrowed, glabrous. Flowers golden yellow in pyramidal inflorescence terminating stem and branches. Flower buds glabrous. Reproduces mostly by seeds, but detached pieces of the tap root can regenerate from adventitious buds. Site in all kinds of soils (nutrient-rich). Leys, meadows, pastures, headlands, roadsides etc. and ruderals. Biennial or perennial.